Category Archives: Reports

November forecast.

November has turned out to be one of my favorite times of the year. The Bass are feeding up to get ready to spawn at the end of December. Until then The bite will be excellent. Give us a call and we can chat and see if we are the guides for you.

August Bite

Summer time bass bite has been good! Early morning and late evening to beat the heat. Catching schooling bass at sunrise on artificial dragging a worm on the bottom seems to be very successful. Once the bite slows Live wild shiners keeps the bite going. With low water Levels I have had to use shallow running boats to get it in the areas that I like to fish. Panfish Bluegill bite has been good on crickets, and Flyrod. Located 30 minutes from Walt Disney World attractions. Give me a call and lets me take you on your next adventure. Guiding on the Kissimmee Chain of Lakes.

July Bite

Summer time bass bite has been good! Early morning and late evening to beat the heat. Catching schooling bass at sunrise on artificial dragging a worm on the bottom seems to be very successful. Once the bite slows Live wild shiners keeps the bite going. With low water Levels I have had to use shallow running boats to get it in the areas that I like to fish. Panfish Bluegill bite has been good on crickets, and Flyrod. Located 30 minutes from Walt Disney World attractions. Give me a call and lets me take you on your next adventure. Guiding on the Kissimmee Chain of Lakes.

June Bite

Summer time bass bite has been good! Early morning and late evening to beat the heat. Live bait is best, But artificial has been good to. Dragging a worm on the bottom seems to be very successful. With low water Levels I have had to use shallow running boats to get it in the areas that I like to fish. Panfish Bluegill bite has been good on crickets, and Flyrod.

May Forecast

Summer is here, Bass bite has been good, catching on Artificial and live bait. most fish in open water due to warmer temps. Panfish bite is excellent for Bluegill. Crickets, beetle spins, or fly fishing with popping bugs best bet. Fishing Kissimmee Chain of lakes located 30 minute drive from Walt Disney World.

April Forecast

Panfish bite is on fire . Catching big bluegill in canals, and on the edges of grass. Flyfishing with popping bugs, spinning rods with bettle spins , or live crickets are best bet. Catching a few Crappie, most have moved back out to open water. Bass bite is also Good this time of year. spawn is done. open water trolling live wild shiners is best bet. Captain Randy DuMars.

February forecast

Bass are in the middle of there spawn. Catching them in shallow and off the edges of open water Hydrilla patches. should be good until mid April.

Crappie February is big spawn month, catching them in vegetation, and around canals. This should last thru the month. give us a call if you are looking for a trip. we can discuss and try and put you with the right guide.

December Bite

Bass fishing has been right on track. Bass are heading in shallow to spawn. Weather is cool and comfortable.

Crappie are still out in open water. trolling jigs tipped with minnows are best bet. expecting them to come in around end of January. Lets go fishing.

October Forecast

Bass fishing is fixing to get good. The cooling waters will start turning the Bass on for spawning mode. End of October and all of November can be some of the Best fishing of the season. Lets go fishing.

Kissimmee Chain

September Forecast

The Bass bite has been good the last few weeks. Still Pretty warm out. Fish early morning and Late evening for best success . Plastic baits producing better bites. Sinkos and flukes, watermelon seed ,June bug colors of choice.